
Xarxa de Parcs

Legal notice


This portal, titularity of the Deputation of Barcelona, with NIF P0800000B, with domicile at Rambla Catalonia, 126, 08008 Barcelona and telephone 93 402 22 22 is constituted by the websites associated at the commands


Intellectual and industrial property


This website and all his contents, including the texts, footage, sounds, databases, codes and any one other material, are property of the Deputation of Barcelona and of the bodies of management linked at her, or of third that have authorised the use of these contents at the Deputation.

All this material is at protects it of the legislation of protection of the intellectual property. His titulars reserve the legally timely acts to repair the harms and damages caused by any act that vulneri the royalties of intellectual property on these contents.

Every fit at this website remains subject at the following conditions:

  • It stays totally prohibited to distribute, copy, modify or send so much the content how the code of the pages, unless it have permission expresses and in writing of Barcelona's Deputation. The information that facilitates at this page can not be object for part of the users of sale or cession, under any concept, including the free.
  • DIBA is a legally proprietary mark. It stays absolutely prohibited any use or reproduction of this without the previous permission and in writing of the Deputation. They remain protected on the same terms the royalties of industrial property referred at the kicks and products of the Deputation of Barcelona and of the bodies of management linked at her that appear at the web or envelope which give information.
  • The user engages at utilising this kick without incurring at activities that can be considered illicit or illegal, that infringeixin the royalties of the Deputation of Barcelona or of third, or that they can attack against the valid norms. Barcelona's the Deputation will not be responsible of the use for part of third of the information contained at the web, if well will be necessary to @atenir at the prescriptions and warnings that establish for determinate documents and aplicatius.


Politician of privacy


  • Barcelona's the Deputation will give exacting fulfillment at the valid rule at each moment on Protection of Data of Personal Nature and will adopt the legally exigible sizes for the protection of the data of personal nature of the user, preserving his privacy and confidentiality.
  • The communications that make the user of the web that contain data of personal nature will make by means of a system of communication "certain surroundings", established with the aim to guarantee, at the size of the possible, the confidentiality of the information and the privacy of the users. This system permits criptografiar the information transmitted among the user and the Deputation. The user can verify if it finds at some "certain surroundings" checking the existence of an enclosed padlock that will appear at the pnatalla together at the URL.
  • Barcelona's the Deputation is the manager of the data collected at his forms. At the case that actui for bead of algún local Body or other organism as a Attendant of the treatment will signify who is the manager.
  • The information detailed on the treatment of data at each case will include at the own form (the purpose of the treatment, if the data will cede at third, the term of conservation...). Please, read it.
  • For any query or complaint related with the treatment of his personal data, Barcelona's Deputation pose at his willingness the mailbox since where the Delegate of Protection of Data will attend it.
  • Although we think that for this road will have been able to him resolve any matter related with his privacy, if it wants it timely can present a claim in front of the Catalan Authority of Protection of Data (APDCAT) through his web: #
  • With general nature, the data facilitated, once finalised the motif that has originated the collection, will be conserved tracking the instructions of documentary management and archive of the Deputation of Barcelona.
  • It can exert the royalties of fit, rectification, suppression, limitation or opposition at the treatment of his data, at the terms included at the valid legislation, through the electronic Headquarters: or presencialment/for post at the offices of the Registry: all attaching copy of his document of identity.


Politician of cookies


This portal web utilises cookies (cookies), archives of text sited at the computer of the user, to aid the website at analysing the use that the users make , for the correct operation and visualisation of the contents published, as well as for the collection of statistics.

For the collection of statistics makes use of Google Analytics. The information that generate the cookies (including the address IP) is natively transmitted and archived by Google at the servers of the website. For such to impede this collection of the address IP Barcelona's Deputation has actuated the option "Anonymize IP" that door incorporated the own system and that masks the three last digits of the address IP so that the anonimitza posing them at 0.

This portal incorporates ginys of kicks of third and links at websites of third, and his politicians of privacy are extraneous at the of Barcelona's Deputation. At accessing at those places you can decide if it accepts his politicians of privacy and of cookies. With general nature, if it sails for Internet you can accept or rebuff the cookies of third since the options of configuration of his browser.

The cookies own that utilise are:

Cookie Type Purpose
JSESSIONID, LFR_SESSION_STATE_*, PARTNER_ID Session They maintain the session of user at the system
GUEST_LANGUAGE_ID Basic operation It maintains the language of navigation selected
PRIVACY_READ Basic operation Acceptance of the politician of cookies


The cookies of third that utilise :


If regardless you want to deactivate the cookies that collect the information, can rebuff his use by means of the selection of the appropriate configuration of your browser. Nevertheless, you have to know that, if you make it, can be that you can not make use of all the functionalities and kicks of this website.

Also they can erase the data of navigation, including the cookies, since the browser that utilise. It consults the options and instructions that offers each browser.

You can find how manage the cookies at each browser at the following table:



Responsibility of the contents


  • Barcelona's the Deputation does not guarantee that the web and the server are free of virus and does not make manager of the possible harms or damages that can derive of interferences, omissions, stoppages, computer viruses, telephonic failures or disconnections at the operative operation of this electronic system, motivated by extraneous causes at the Deputation, of delays or blockades at the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or sobrecàrregues of telephonic lines or sobrecàrregues at the system of Internet or at other electronic systems, as well as also of harms that can be caused by third persons by means of intromissions illegitimate out of the control of the Deputation.
  • The administrative information facilitated through this web does not substitute the legal advert of the laws, of the general disposals and of the acts that have to be published formally at the official newspapers, the edition of which is the only instrument that gives faith of his authenticity and content.
  • Barcelona's the Deputation will not be responsible of the information that can obtain through links or that it come from of extraneous fonts at this Administration.
  • Barcelona's the Deputation does not make manager of the legality of other websites of third since the that can access at the portal. Barcelona's the Deputation neither responds for the legality of other websites of third, that could be linked or linked since this portal.
  • Barcelona's the Deputation does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the web and of his kicks. Quan was reasonably possible, will caution previously of the stoppages at the operation of the web and of the kicks.
  • Barcelona's the Deputation reserves the law to modify unilaterally, anytime and without previous notice, the presentation, configuration and contents of the web, as well as also the offer of kicks and the conditions that require to utilise it.
  • The use of this web implies the full acceptance and without reservation of the terms and conditions contained at the present legal notice.


Applicable law


The possible relative conflicts at this web will govern exclusively for the law of the Spanish State and of the freelance Community of Catalonia, being Barcelona's courts the only competent. Every person user of the web, independently of the territorial jurisdiction since which produce his fit, accepts the fulfillment and concerning this clause with renunciation expresses at any one other fur that could correspond him.


Mapa de la Xarxa

Mapa de la Xarxa