Saturn is the Lord of the Rings, but not the only one, since all the gaseous planets have, although much less showy. Here we only represent the sphere, actually made of hydrogen and helium, the two lightest gases. The rings would have a diameter of 24 cm at this scale and a negligible thickness, since on a real scale they are not much more than 10 meters thick.
Diameter | Saturn is 120,536 km in diameter and here it is 12 cm, slightly smaller than a handball. |
Duration of the day | The day on Saturn is very short, 10 hours and 34 minutes. |
Year duration | Instead the years would pass us slowly. A Saturnian year equals 29.5 Earth years. |
Distance to the sun | It is about 10 times farther from the Sun than we are, at 1,433 million km. At 1.43 kilometers from the Sun in this model represented at Garraf. |
Satellites | 82 satellites are currently known. The largest is Titan, larger than Mercury, and with an atmosphere slightly denser than Earth's. |
Composition | It is a huge sphere of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium. The clouds that form the alternately light and dark belts contain water, ammonia, and ammonium disulfide with traces of phosphorus, sulfur, and hydrocarbons. |
| At the level of the atmosphere equivalent to the pressure of a terrestrial atmosphere, the temperature is 139 ° C below zero. Indoors, it will surely reach 12,000 ° C. |
Gravity | At the level of an atmosphere of pressure we would experience a weight only 10% greater than what you notice right now. |
Density | 0.7 g / cm³. Like birch wood. |
Did you know... | … That Saturn is less dense than water? If we were to throw it into a great ocean, it would float. … That the rings are made of an infinity of ice particles that revolve around Saturn? Neither with the most powerful telescopes nor with approaching spacecraft can we discern these particles. … That Saturn is the slowest planet of all the bright ones? After 30 years, he occupies the same position in heaven. |
See if it is currently visible to the naked eye at